My Story
As a Latina African American with Caribbean and Central American heritage, the importance of life at sea is interwoven in my culture. Growing up, financial hardship made trips to the ocean infrequent, rare moments of wonder that fueled my desire to increase access to the marine world.
With determination and a passion for adventure, I set forth to explore our underwater world using the combined power of science and performing art.
Through my dedication to science communication, I bridge my global change biology research with coastal communities and the public to increase understanding of ocean resources.
In conserving our oceans, I give my unique cultural lens and background in performance--dance, directing & writing. I am a storyteller of the sea—working with conservationists, biologists, social scientists, educators, and artists to protect our blue backyards.

“Science is an experiment with yourself, and art is the same way"
I boldly collaborate with learning centers, media makers, businesses, and explorers.
Intentionally Interdisciplinary
Science-storytelling projects have emerged in the past decade in effort to honor the blend of sensory and scientific experiences scientific exploration provides. However, many of these projects are unbalanced by speaking to a small portion, rather than all parts of the interdisciplinary collaboration.
My Mission
As a practitioner of both science and performance, cross-disciplinary approaches are a foundation of my work.
I cultivate enthusiastic partners to inform my interdisciplinary approaches. I bring these relationships and a colorful language to my projects. Join me in working in this integrative practice.